Tag Archives: blockchain technology

From zero to digital hero – challenges and recent efforts to ensure legal identity for all

Approximately 1.1 billion people globally are without a legal identity[ref] https://blogs.worldbank.org/voices/global-identification-challenge-who-are-1-billion-people-without-proof-identity [/ref].  The repercussions, both for states and for individuals are countless. And a solution is needed if we are to truly promote inclusivity and individuals’ access to their basic rights.

In this blog I review the recent conversations on legal identity for all and the direction of travel when it comes to solutions.  Is digital identity the answer to universal individual legal identity?  Or do we need to be pragmatic about what is realistic for many of those 1.1 billion excluded?

Blockchain technology: the answer to securing legal identity?

Blockchain technology

In this blog I tend to examine the legal aspects of identity and of how it impacts groups and individuals. But I have noticed recently a lot of chatter about blockchain technology and its potential uses in relation to legal identity and for identity documents. Being the kind of lawyer that is not that technically savvy, I want to delve …